Dr. Md. Shahjahan Siraj - Dermatologist

Lt. Col. Dr. Md. Shahjahan Siraj
MBBS, MCPS, DVD, FCPS (Skin & Sex),
Specialities: Skin/Dermatology
Dr. Md. Shahjahan Siraj

Address: House # 67, Avenue # 5, Block # C, Section-6 Mirpur, (Original-10), Pallabi, Dhaka. 
Chamber Time: 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Call for Appointment:

About: Lt. Col. Dr. Md. Shahjahan Siraj is a Skin/Dermatology specialist. Now he regularly chambers at Popular Diagnostic Centre, Mirpur. He is a Senior Skin, VD, Sex, Allergy, Acne Melasma, Hair and Vitiligo Specialist, Asso. Prof. & Head of Department, Combined Military Hospital(CMH), Dhaka.

More Dermatologist in Dhaka


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