Institute of Nuclear Medicine & Allied Sciences Dhaka

Institute of Nuclear Medicine & Allied Sciences, Dhaka
Dhaka Medical College Campus, 
Gait No. 05, Dhaka-1000


Open Hours: 
Sunday - Thursday 9am-5pm

Test Price List Institute of Nuclear Medicine & Allied Sciences Dhaka 

ইনস্টিটিউটের বিভিন্ন সেবাসমূহের মূল্য তালিকা 


1. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) 500 
2. Luteinizing hormone(LH) 500 
3. Prolactin(PRL) 500 
4. Oestrogen/Estradiol 500 
5. TSH Receptor Auto Ab 600 
6. PSA 600 
7. Vit-D 2000 
8. AFP(Alpha feto-protein) 600 
9. CA-125 800 
10. ANF 800 
11. PTH(parathyroid hormone) 800 
12. LH+FSH 700 
13. Estrogen+Progesterone 500 
14. AMH 800 
15. Ca-19.9 800 
16. CEA 800 
17. Ca-15.3 800 
18. LDH 800 
19. Testosterone 600 

Ultrasonography (B Mode) (আল্ট্রাসোনোগ্রাফী) 

1. USG HBS/Upper abdomen 300 
2. USG Renal system (KUB) 300 
3.  USG of (KUB)+Prost+MCC+PVR 400
4. Uterus & adnexal/Lower abdomen 300 
5. USG of whole abdomen 450 
6. USG of Pregnancy Profile/Fetal Condition 300 
7. USG of biophysical Profile1000 
8. Anomaly scan on pregnancy 1000 
9. HRUS of thyroid/Neck 400 
10. HRUS of scrotum 400 
11. HRUS of breast & axilla 500 
12. HRUS of joint/muscle 500 
13. HRUS of pediatric brain 400 
14. HEUS of infant hypertrophic pyloric setnosis 400
15. Endocavitary studies (TVS/TRUS) 700 

Isotope Scan/Nuclear Medicine Scan/Scintigraphy 
(আইসোটপ স্ক্যান/নিউক্লিয়ার মেডিসিন স্ক্যান/সিন্টিগ্রাফী) 

1. Bone sacn 1000 
2. 3-phase Bone scan 1500 
3. DTPA Renogram with camera GFR (Tc-99m) 1000 
4. DTPA Captoril renogram (Tc-99m) 1500 
5. DMSA-Renal scan(Tc-99) 800 
6. Liver scan (Tc-99m Colloid) 800 
7. Hepatobiliary scan 1200 
8. Lymphoscintigraphy 1500 
9. Lymphoscintigraphy for sentinel LN 800 
10. MIBG scan 1300 
11. Bone SPECT scan 2500 
12. Brain SPECT (HMPAO/ECD) 3000 
13. Kidney SPECT scan 1200 
14. Liver SPECT scan 1200 
15. Parathyroid (SPECT)/CT Scan 4000 
16. Myocardial perfusion SPECT (stress+rest) (MPI) 7000 
17. MPI (Rest) scan 3500 
18. BMD (Bone mineral density) study 1500 
19. RBC-Scan for Hemangioma (SPECT) 1000 
20. Thyroid scan (Tc-99m) 500 

PET-CT (পেট-সিট) 

1. 18F-FDG whole body PET-CT scan 25000 
2. 18F-FDG Cardica PET-CT Scan 20000 
3. 18f-NaF PET-CT Bone Scan 15000 
4. IIC-Chdine PET-CT Scan 40000 
5. 18F-FDG Brain PET-CT Scan 20000

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